maanantai 21. tammikuuta 2013

Help us to help others. SOS Village ring by Edblad

Ring is made out of shiny stainless steel.
From each sold jewellery 50 SEK goes to SOS Children´s Villages work in Cambodia.

tiistai 15. tammikuuta 2013

who says that Scandinavian are afraid of colors

What a delicios colors from Superdry Spring 2013 collection. In these pictures Superdry Rockstar.  First collection of Superdry optic was launched in 2011. Collection has been a big success after launch. SuperDry is one of the brands that our head account in Finland distributes. VisionScandinavia is in charge of their marketing, communication, Pr and sales.

SuperDry Rockstar 114

Superdry Rockstar 115

Superdry Rockstar 130

Edblad&Co home and studio

Launch Edblad Brand in Estonia January 2013

Edblad was founded in 2006 by designers Hans and Cathrine Edblad. On the island Singö, in the far northern part of Stockholm archipelago, the couple have a studio with a view over the Sea of Åland. Here, they create new jewelry, clothing and furnishings for style conscious customers worldwide.

Production takes place in Sweden, Europe and Asia, with great consideration given working with conditions and environmental impact. Working with a vast range of materials from stainless steel, river and semiprecious stones to concrete, porcelain and bamboo, Hans and Catherine´s innovative experimentation always ensures surprising new creative solutions.

The designers still work from their island studio but Edblad´s headquarters are now in Norrtälje with four stores in Stockholm, Norrtälje, Grisslehamn and Öregrund, plus retailers in a dozen countries.

Offering a first class service with personal touch, Edblad has become a valued and recognized part of Scandinavian design world.

New office opening up in Tallinn